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Sunday, October 31, 2010

Offseason bodybuilder muscle flexing part 3 HD

Offseason bodybuilder -

"Off-Season" by bodybuilders is the time of the season when there are no bodybuilding shows. The Off-Season is used to build muscle mass, fix weaknesses and attain a higher level of development to be later displayed at a bodybuilding show. Now, if you are a non-competitive bodybuilder like me, your off-season is the designated time when you decide to gain new muscle mass that is to be displayed at a later date, for example on Summer time. In my opinion, a better name for the "Off-Season" should be "Mass Building Season", as off-season seems to imply lack of activity, something that cannot be farther from the truth.

One of the biggest mistakes that people make when bulking up in the off-season is gaining too much bodyweight. I've seen people add 40-50 lbs of pure bodyweight; pounds which later have to be shed in order to display any muscularity (muscle detail). My philosophy for off-season bodybuilding has always been "quality over quantity". And as you can see, I am still looking ripped for this time of off-season, altough, not so defined like my other videos. I'm obtaining high quality muscle while maintaining low body fat levels, and this is the best you can do for yourself; bulk up slow and clean, and you won't have much work later with defining it.

People always ask me how I stayed so lean while bulking up over all these years. Notice that I have only gained about 6-10 lbs a year which isn't really much. Each pound of pure muscle mass is making a big difference to your physique.
Remember it's not about the weight, it's about how you look.

Hope this helps you a bit, keep training hard and stay dedicated,

And feel free to leave a comment, rate my video, and subscribe to my channel.


Alon Gabbay

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