For those of you who have been missing our regular posts...we're BACK ! Welcome to Hot Muscle Boys where you will find photos and videos of Hot Shirtless Male Bodybuilders. If you would like to stay informed please add yourself to the list of followers or subscribe to this Blog. Hope you enjoy our work. Best viewed at over 1024x768 resolution 1920x1200 preferred.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Wk 6 posing // flexing // shirtless // muscles // nwb // DLUK// DUB STEP
week6 update- Posing
Teaming up with 3dmuscle journey
Im really trying to get this whole editing thing down. Making progress (on different video) but by no means perfected it yet. I am HOPING my next video will a. be with my new flip cam, and b. Be edited/ contain transitions and incorporate different audios. Again Sorry for the plain Jane update.
SUB :)
Music ( )
Sunday, July 17, 2011
10 Months Progress
flexing in the gym,before and after 1o months.. i gained 5kg of muscles in this period.
Flexing for fun Super Buff
Just thought Id add this video flexing after a great chest and triceps workout. Going to really try and get as huge as possible this time around only im going to try and not drink myself silly every other day which I think was what was holding me back a little. I think my liver needs a rest any how. Notice how you can actually see my abs a little in this video. Not just a chubby strong guy flexing anymore.
Breakfast/Macros/Gym Today?/Flexing (Vlog #2)
Subscribe Please!
Any questions or request just inbox me here on youtube.
FitDay (An online food journal)
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------My breakfast is BANGIN (;
The flexing doesnt look that good cuz the quality and lighting sucks!
I know I need a new camera!
Chest Workout and Flexing HD
Please subscribe for more flexing and workouts. My Twitter: My Email:
Saturday, July 16, 2011
16 year old bodybuilder
terrible shading but whatevs. Daily workout: 250 pushups, 25 pull ups/25chin ups, run. Strength: Bench 250 x1 Squat 275 12+, Deadlift (straight bar) 195 10x Cleans 175 3x.
Cocky muscle flexing show-off
Classic vid of stud flexing and showig off his hot muscles... Remember to subscribe for more lik this!
King Of Abs 8 Pack Hitch/Dieting and Flexing
8 Pack Abs Hitch
Dieting and Flexing
Facebook Ebony Soul Calendar or for more info on calendar release date
Song Copyright Divine Dreams Casual Ft Tha Moonshyne
Divine Dreams Casual youtube channel
Friday, July 15, 2011
A body in progress!
Nice Bod poor video resolution though...
Please comment and tell me what you think :) yeah?
16yo flex HD
need new ideas cos this is repetitive. comment, rate, subscribe.
Small Skinny Guy Oils Up Massive Teen Bodybuilder HD to get the full version. Don't forget this is the second part to the video! Leave me some comments tl let me know if you enjoy this video.
ICON MEN: Greg Plitt - Biceps Triceps & Abs Workout (3)
ICON MEN Greg Plitt gives you an insider's look at the proper techniques and ways to use the equipment at the gym to its maximum benefit. If you want "8 Pack" abs or "Big Guns" then this workout instruction is for you!!!
Road To The Ironman Ep. 6
journey to my first junior show
Personal Facebook:
Biceps & Triceps welcome to the gun show
Order at:
follow me on facebook LIKE Dream and Achieve Fitness
limited edition shirt, get while I got them.
Teen Muscle - Natural Bodybuilder Worship Hot Muscle Flex [HD] -
This is the video for the new update, in which I present some of the progress that I choose this week of training, these days I've worked very hard in the gym, because I want to be defined and marked on the muscle as soon as possible in the video I'm making some flexion and relaxation of my upper body muscles, which are the torso, chest, abs, arms, biceps and triceps, and almost at the end of the video you can see a little work I am working my lower body muscles, where the legs, being able to appreciate how the flex and relax a few times, I can say in this video I present a fuller picture of my body and muscles, and because I am aware I still much work, I keep training and I am still working hard and tenacity in the gym with the conviction not to leave my purpose, because my desire is to increase my muscle mass, develop, pitch, volume, and define my muscles be strong, because I want to look aesthetically proportioned and in good health, I hope my efforts in the gym is transformed into visible progress in my videos, I will continue with my training, following a balanced diet and taking my protein to achieve reach my goals and I hope before the end of this year my body has changed much, and I remember playing sports, going to the gym and keep a healthy lifestyle will give us the possibility of developing a body, mind and spirit healthy.
Wish List :
Aesthetic progress/posing/bodybuilding video
Just a vid of some posing and flexing to have a better view of my bodybuilding progress.
14 yr Flexing my new body
after 16 weeks of thrusts and push ups. please comment. subscribe. look, see, feel.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Optimus Flexing - All Stars Inc
Optimus of All Stars Inc hitting something lite. #lego0o
Comment, subscribe , like , hate , do something add the page for the latest updates.
16 year old bodybuilder flexing muscles
Just another quick update. Been strength training mostly. Benching 185 for reps and squatting 275 for reps. Up at 144 pounds
13 Year Old Bodybuilder: More Flexing
I was bored so I made new vids of me flexing lol I am toned out big biceps I am now doing personal videos skype workout lessons and more and donations via paypal are greatly appreciated thank you
FLEXING: High Carb Diet
Saturday, July 9, 2011
14 yr old bodybuilder :)
flexing right after working out chest /back...its a webcam lol so the quality isnt good sorry plz give comments thanks a million :)
Im getting the psycho muscle
In this one I am like a psycho Jesus, a champion, a dirty fighter, and I also changed something. Enjoy my video and a little bit of my psycho flexing.-:D
buffest 13yr old ever-flexing again
for every one out there who keeps saying im 16 or 17 im 13teen now i was 12 in my other videos i was born in 1998 and bithday may 20th
flexing and request
Quick flexing after gym and a request alot of people asked me for using no equipment only body weight enjoy!
Friday, July 8, 2011
Learning the mandatory poses
I recorded this video on February 19th when I was 7 weeks out from my competition.
new progress video
Quick progress video... going all natural no pre workout drink no protein just the food that i eat on regular basis...leave comments =]
The 3 Keys To Bodybuilding Success Click here for the FREE REPORT:
I wrote a free report called the "3 Keys To Bodybuilding Success," and I made this video to let you guys know about it. The report reveals some of the most important lessons I've learned from being a bodybuilder for about 13 years, and from training bodybuilders for about 8 years.
Check it out here:
malik smith flexing (7/8/11) 12:41 A.M.
me flexing and doin a couple push ups... the push ups are part of my nightly rutine even though i didnt record all of them i do 100 every morning when i wak up 50 in the after noon and 100 before i take my nightly shower i hope you enjoy
July 8th flexing update HD
while uploading the workout clips, decided to do a little more extended flexing.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
13 year old full body flex
This is a full body flex vid.
Max Bench:165
15 year old natural bodybuilder
I'm 15 turning 16 in October, been working out since i was about 13. Never taken roids, never will. Sorry for the bad quality.
18 year old Amateur Bodybuilder - Flex shows - Muscle Teen God HD
Skype: ripped_tribal_camshows
Amazon wishlist:
A teaser of my flex shows and private videos!
Worshipping a musclegod! HD
After a hot pose down, I force this guy to admit that I'm stronger and a lot better than he! And his only option left is to worship my big pumped-up muscles! See how he pulls the job here
Jed Hassell- Fake Tan! HD
Teen bodybuilder jed hassell showing of his new fake tak. posing, flexing.
Teen Bodybuilder 18 years old: Flexing
Just flexing. I really need to work on double bicep pose. Or better yet my decline chest cause my chest just disappears everytime I put my hands up. If yuh know a good exercise for decline besides decline bench. I like doing iso workouts so 1 side of my body isn't doing more than the other. And sorry for the audio cause copyright kept it bit it's saying it still has copyright so idk -_-
Teen Muscle - Flexing My Chest - HD
This is the first video that I focus the attention to my chest, which is one of the most important and what else has been much development in the musculature of a man, as the pectoral play a key role both in terms of aesthetics and in terms of muscle balance and allow the body of man is stronger and more masculine look, so I decided to focus on this video so important to this area of my body, in the video I'm doing some flexion, contraction and relaxation of my muscles in the chest, can clearly see the work when I contracted my muscles and relax, I'm very happy with the results I have achieved lately with my chest since before it was much smaller and is currently more developed and powerful, but even if I have to work much more I want to get a bigger chest, powerful, bulky, more tone and definition, so aware of my desire to continue to work with dedication and perseverance to achieve my goals, and to show further progress, and I demand more and give you the best of my every time I do my workout with the motivation to improve and grow with each passing day, I remind them to keep the sports work and a healthy lifestyle help us to develop a body, mind and spirit healthy.
Wish List :
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Amin's amazingly awesome abs
abdominal musulesBodybuilder Amin Shahry demonstrates several ways to flex and pose the abdominal muscles. Amin will be featured in an upcoming DVD by MostMuscular.Com.truth about ABS
WEBCAM muscle shows // Muscle Worship
If you want a hot camshow // videos // muscle worship ... add me on :
skype: hugeteen_17
ItsBodybuildingTV- Teen Bodybuilder-Bicep Flex-Goal Setting
Talking about setting goals and how important it is! Also my goals and how im bulking getting ready for my 1st competition heck ya! Subscribe too! Next video up soon!
Bodybuilding Journey - OZ Pinoy HD
Find out more about Paul De Ocampo?
All video and pictures registered to Paul De Ocampo.
Dream EP 6
New DREAM CHEAAA! A little different format on this one! NO gym footage! Don't worry the next dream will have my LEG Workout!
Teen bodybuilder flexing
This video came a bit quicker than planed and was shorter. Because of that there be a lot of longer ones in the future for now on.
Flexing Bodybuilder posing HD
e 7-5-2011
follow me on Facebook LIKE Dream and Achieve Fitness
order shirts and programs
16 Year Old Muscle Boy Cuellar Showing and Flexing Muscles
just lettin you guyz have a look at my progress, SUBSCRIBE, LIKE AND SHARE!
Posing - flexing 2011 6 months in
Hi there I'm 21 I've been lifting 6 months naturally as you can tell I'm not very big. Any tips and advice on what to work on would be great.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Devon J posing practice July 5, 2011
dont know how to add music so it probly really boring. not really preparing for any shows or anything, just felt like making a video for the sake of tracking progress. may possibly make more in the future....
Quick Muscle Flex
Well after much contemplation i finally decided to upload a video. I have never uploaded before so i'm not sure how the quality is going to be (probably crap)
Took this video right before dinner in the evening. Didn't do any weights or resistance training before hand.
Before anyone comments (not expecting to get any views at all anyway lol) I know I have a shit chest. My Genetics have not been kind to me, I have tried and tried but its very hard for me to build it xD
I am a Martial Artist by trade, been doing it for 14 years now. I like to think that Martial Arts has made me kind of ripped... but i could be delusional.
Lastly, I am a vegetarian, but i do drink protein ;)
With My Friend Dino At The Gym July 3rd.wmv HD
Haven't seen Dino (my friend that's recording me) in a while, he's back for 20 days from. Army Infantry, lol now me and him can make fun of civilians ;)
TeenMuscleFlex; quick flex update
Hey everyone just a quick update as I havn't been on in ages!, obviously areas I need to improve are arms/chest. Stay tuned and subscribe to see how I get on the rest of the year!
ICON MEN: Robert Amstler - Chest & Arms (10)
Fitness super star Robert Amstler shares his own personal and private workout routine with you!
Bodybuilding DVD preview - Guns Vegas 1010 Volume 2 with Craig Golias
Excerpts from the new bodybuilding DVD Guns Vegas 2010 Volume 2, available now at MostMuscular.Com. Featured bodybuilders include Craig Golias, Sylvester Cain, Joe Rivera, Jason Joseph, Brian Yersky and Antwaun Smith. Video footage shot primarily at Gold's Gym in Las Vegas after the NPC USA Championships.
iflex4you vid 2#, Bicep flexing
HEY guys another video here this time its bicep flexing please subscribe and like my fan page peace out :)
Post-Workout Flexing HD
Day 6 of my pre-bulking Phase.Pre-Bulking phase or cycle is based on a 12 days training program after my cutting cycle,basically to work on form and techniques for weight training.I came up with this cycle to avaoid injuries during my bulking phase because of my injuries from 3months ago.
Teen Flexing abs start of new work out :)
young teen flexing ripped shredded muscle abs veins bicep strong power posing bodybuilding exercise fitness workout
Muscle update and some flexing
Looking supple and smooth, with a nice, tight waist... Could crack nuts between these pecs... Don't forget to subscribe for more videos!
Muscle Model Flexing- Micah LaCerte HD
53 days until gametime!!! Hoping to bring the best body I have ever had on that stage. Thanks for folling and yes I jam Remixes to Phil Collins, lol..,,
Bodybuilder Muscle Flexing HD
Please subscribe for more flexing and workouts. My Twitter: My Email: My Skype: MuscleFlexer1
Monday, July 4, 2011
skype: wolverine61111
Jordan Wolverine
PO Box 812
Dearborn Heights MI
48127 wishlist:
Copyright © 2011 mrDC300. All Rights Reserved.
Dillon at the Flex Lewis Classic HD
Dillon posing and winning the 1st annual Teen class at the 2011 Flex Lewis Classic in Cookeville, TN
seven days out oil and flexing HD
hit me up for cam shows and personal vids on skype at justinyoung311 or my yahoo at
College bodybuilder flexes huge quads after steam room
Flexing the quads after streamroom. More vids coming soon!!! Subscribe and comment!!
skype: beachbody 691
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Tirage poulie basse prise neutre avec corde 50 reps à 50 kilos fin.MOV
Matinée de sport dans mon jardin travail du dos
22 day cycle results HD
Shrugging and showing off my physique.For details on training and workout routines visit my website listed on my youtube page.It should be updated in a few days with exclusives.
Asian muscle to the extreme
Me just flexing, best video yet i had someone film it so it is great quality and grasps the nature of my body
ripped muscles (UNSTOPPABLE PART 2)
The flexing continues with my newest motivational vid (UNSTOPPABLE PART 2) if you liked the first one then your going to LOVE this vid enjoy.
Solomon Whitchurch,
21 year old bodybuilder Solomon Whitchurch flexes and poses in the gym a week before taking 2nd in the men's open lightweight class at the 2011 NPC Pittsburgh bodybuilding show. He qualified to the compete in the 2011 NPC National bodybuilding contest in Miami in November 2011.
Bodybuilding and flexing.
Me posing for the cam after a workout. All natural the only thing im taken is mega-man sport pack and its a vitamin pills. Those who want to know what i do hit me up so i can share it with you guys. My stats are 5'9 165. ;)
6 Pack Ab Flexing- Top Fitness Model Micah LaCerte HD
Diet and hardcore training are the combonation to getting yourself in amazing shape. When you start getting leaner and can see your abs, start doing a ton of ab flexing and you will see some major improvements.,,
15 Flexing Body n Leg Progress 2
showing some legs n calves with a little video along with pics of how my body transformed
Friday, July 1, 2011
13 year old body builder [ RIPPED!!!] HD
"think and you shall become" The motto I run by as I work out daily, I am 13 years old, born dec. 5 1997, my name is max Ablicki, if you dont believe me, find my information, I am 13, not a stupid 16 year old saying he's 13 to get views
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